Friday 7 December 2018

All Computer full form

1.                 APIPA         Automatic private internet protocol addressing
2.                APR             Address resolution protocol
3.                DHCP          Dynamic host configuration protocol
4.                FTP             File transfer protocol
5.                HTTP          Hypertext transfer protocol
6.                HTTPS        Hypertext transfer protocol over secure sockets layer
7.                ICMP           Internet control message protocol
8.                IMAP           Internet mail access protocol
9.                IP                 Internet protocol
  10.            IPCONFIG Internet protocol configuration
  11.            IPP               Internet printing protocol
  12.            IPSEC         Internet protocol security
  13.            LDAP           Lightweight directory access protocol
  14.           NNTP           Network news transfer protocol
  15.           POP3           Post office protocol3
  16.          PPP             Point-to-point protocol
  17.          PPTP           Point-to-point tunneling protocol
  18.          RIP              Routing information protocol
  19.          SMTP          Simple mail transport protocol
  20.            SNMP          Simple network management protocol
  21.            TCP             Transmission control protocol
  22.           TCP/IP        Transmission control protocol/internet protocol
  23.           TFTP           Trivial file transfer protocol
  24.            UDP             User datagram protocol
  25.            VOIP           Voice over internet protocol
  26.             WAP            Wireless application protocol
  27.          ABC             Tans off – Berry computer
  28.         A/D              Analog to digital
  29.          GP                Graphics port  
  30.           AI                 Artificial intelligence
  31.          ALGOL       Algorithmic Language
  32.           ALU             Arithmetic Logic Unit
  33.           AM               Amplitude Modulation
  34.            AMD            Advanced Micro Devices
  35.            ANSI            American National standards Institute
  36.           ARPNET    Advanced Research Project Agency Network
  37.            ASIC            Application specific Integration circuit
  38.            ASCII          Americna Standard code for Information Interchange
  39.             ATM               Asynchronous Transfer Mode/Automatic Teller Machine
  40.            BARC          Bhabha Atomic Research centre
  41.            Basic            Beginners‟ All – Purpose symbolic In-suction code
  42.             BCD             Binary coded Decimal
  43.            BEMA         Business Equipment Manufactures association
  44.            BIOS            Basic Input Output system
  45.                 BCR             Bar code Reader
  46.                 BPI              Bytes per Inch
  47.                 BPS             Bits Per Second  
  48.                 BSNL          Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
  49.                 CAD             Computer Aided Design
  50.                 CAL             Computer Aided Leering
  51.                 CAM            Computer Aided Manufacturing
  52.                 CD                Compact Disk
  53.                 C-DAC        Centre for Development of Advanced computing
  54.                 C-DOT        Centre for Development of Telemetric
  55.                 CD-R           Compact Disk-Recordable
  56.                 CD-ROM    Compact Disk-Read only Memory
  57.                 CD-R/W      Compact Disk-Read/Write
  58.                 Class            Computer Literacy and Studies in school
  59.                 CMOS         Complementary Metal oxide semiconductor  
  60.                 COBOL      Common business oriented Language
  61.                 CMY            Cyan – Magenta – Yellow 
  62.                 Comal          Common Algorithmic Language
  63.                 CPI              Character Per Inch
  64.                 CPS             Central Processing Unit
  65.                 CRS             Compueriesed Reservation system
  66.                 CRT             Cathode Ray tube
  67.                 CTS              Clear to send
  68.                 CU                Control Unit
  69.                 D/A              Digital – to – Analog
  70.                 DBMS         Data Base Management system
  71.                 DDS             Digital Data Storage
  72.                 DEC             Digital Equipment Corporation
  73.                 DOS             Disk Operating system
  74.                 DPI              Dots per Inch 
  75.                 DRDO         Defense Research and Development Organization
  76.                 DSHD          Double sided high Density
  77.                 DTP             Desk op publishing
  78.                 DTR             Data Terminal Ready
  79.                 DTS              Digital theater system
  80.                 DVD             Digital Video/Versatile Disk
  81.                 E-business   Electronicd business
  82.                 E-CommerceElectronic Commerce
  83.                 E-Mail         Electronic Mail
  84.                 EBCDIC     Exended binary coded Decimal In terchange Code
  85.                 EDP             Electronic data processing
  86.                 EEPROM   Electrically Erasable programmable Read only memory
  87.                 EFT             Electronic fund Transfer
  88.                 ENIAC        Electronic Numerical integrator and calculator
  89.                 EPROM      Erasable programmable Read ony Memory
  90.                 ERNET       Education and Research Network
  91.                 EXE             Execution
  92.                 FAT             file allocation table
  93.                 FD                Floppy disk
  94.                 FDM            Frequency division multiplexing
  95.                 FET             Eifel Effect Transitory
  96.                 FIFO           First – In, First – out
  97.                 FILO           First In, Last Out
  98.                 FM               Frequency Modulation
  99.                 Fortran        Formula translation
  100.           FSK             Frequency shift Keying
  101.           FTP             file Transfer Protocol
  102.           GB               Giga Bytes
  103.           GIGO           Garbage in garbage out
  104.           GIS               Geographical information system
  105.           GPL             general public license
  106.           GPS             Global positioning system
  107.           GUI              Graphical user interface
  108.           HLL             High Level Language
  109.           HP                Hewlett Packard
  110.           HTML         Hyper Text Markup Language
  111.           HTTP          Hyper Text Tranfer Protocol
  112.           IBM             International business Machines
  113.           IC                 Integrated Circuit
  114.           I/O                Input – Output
  115.           IP                 Internet Protocol
  116.           IRC              Internet Relay chat
  117.           ISDN            Integrated services digital Network
  118.           ISH               Information super highway
  119.           ISO               International standards Organization
  120.           ISP               Internet service provider
  121.           IT                  Information technology
  122.           JPEG           Joint Photographic expert group
  123.           JRE              Jav Runtime Engine
  124.           JSP              Java Server pages
  125.           KB               Kilo bytes
  126.           KIPS            Knowledge information processing system
  127.           LAN             Local Area Network
  128.           Laser           Light amplification for stimulated emission of radiation
  129.           LCD             Liquid crystal display
  130.           LD                Laser diode
  131.           LEd              Light – Emitting diode
  132.           LISP            Lit processing
  133.           LLL             Low Level language
  134.           LSD             Least significant digit
  135.           LSI               Least significant digit
  136.           LSI               Large scale integration
  137.           MAN            Metropolitan Area Network
  138.           MB               Mega Bytes
  139.           MHz             Mega Hertz
  140.           MICR          Magnetic Ink character recognition
  141.           MIDI            Musical instrument digital interface
  142.           MIPS           Million Instructions Per second
  143.           MODEM     Modulator – Demodulator
  144.           MOPS         Million operations per second
  145.           MOS            Metal oxide semiconductor
  146.           MPEG         Moving picture expert group
  147.           MP-3           MPEG-I Audio Layer 3
  148.           MS               Microsoft
  149.           MSD            Most significant digit
  150.           MSD            Most significant digit
  151.           MSI              Medium scale Integration
  152.           MTBF         Mean time between Failure
  153.           MTNL         Mahanagar Telephone Nigam limited
  154.           NICNET      National Informatics centre Network
  155.           NIU              Network interface Unit
  156.           NTSC           National television standards committee
  157.           OCR            Optical character recognition
  158.           OMR            Optical Mark Reader
  159.           OOP            Object oriented programming
  160.           OS                Operating system
  161.           OSS              Open source software
  162.           PAL             Phase alternation Line
  163.           PC                Personal computer
  164.           PCB             Printed circuit board
  165.           PCI              Peripheral component interconnect
  166.           PDA             Personal digital Assistant
  167.           PDF             Portable document format
  168.           PL/1             Programming language 1
  169.           PM               Phase modulation
  170.           POST           Power on self test
  171.           PPM            Pages per minute
  172.           Prolog          Programming in logic
  173.           PROM         Programmable Read only Memory
  174.           PSTN           Public switched telephone network
  175.           QAS             Quality assurance service
  176.           RAM            random access memory
  177.           RGB            Red, Green, blue
  178.           ROM            Read only Memory
  179.           RPG             Report program generator
  180.           RS-232        Recommended standard 2-3-2
  181.           SCSI            Small computer system interface
  182.           SEQUEL     Structured English quer Language
  183.           SIMM Single in line memory module
  184.           SSI               small scale integration
  185.           SVGA          Super Video graphics arrary
  186.           TB                Tera byte 
  187.           TCP             Transmission control protocol
  188.           TDM            Time division multiplexing
  189.           ULSI            Ultra large scale Integration
  190.           UNIVAC     Universal Automatic computer
  191.           UPS             Uninterrupted power supply
  192.           URL             Uniform resource locater
  193.           USB             Universal serial bus
  194.           UVEprom   Ultra violet erasable programmable read only memory
  195.           VAN             Value aided network
  196.           VCR             Video cassette recorder
  197.           VDU             Video display unit 
  198.           VGA            Video graphics array
  199.           Virus            Vital information resources under seize
  200.           VLSI            Very lage scale integration
  201.           VSNL          Videsh sanchar nigam limited.
  202.           WAN            Wide area network
  203.           WAP            Wireless application Protocol
  204.           WLL            Wireless local loop
  205.           WMP           Windows media player
  206.           WORM        Write once – read many
  207.           WWW          World wide web
  208.           XMS            Extended memory specification 
  209.           2G                Second generation wireless networking
  210.           3G                Third generation wireless networking technology

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Sujeet kumar