Thursday 25 October 2018


Operator अति महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न
Q.1. Unary operator use, Airthmetick operator , Bitwise operator, Relational operator ?
Q.2. Logical operator , Conditional operator , Assignment operator , Left / Right shift operator  ?

Q.1. Use of While loop, Do loop , For loop ?
 Q.2. Write a programe print to 100 times Plz Subscibe Manawa Technology Use of While loop, Do loop , For loop ?
Q.1. Find greatest number in array with example ?
 Q.2. Matrix transpose , Multi two matrix in array with example ?
 Q.3. Using pointer to fine greatest number in array with example ?
Q.1. What is Fiboncci series explain with example ?
 Q.2. Factorial number with help of recursion ?
Q.3. Input number in array , largest number ?
 Q.4. Reverse the string ?
 Q.5. Multiplication table ?
 Q.6. Read a line and print it reverse ?
  String and File
Q.1. Write a programe using dynamic memory allocation to read number as input display then in stored order ?
Q.2. Copy a file into another file ?
 Q.3. Count number of words in a string ?
 Q.4.Concatenate two string ?
 Q.5. Copy constents text file into another file use commands line argument to enter sourse and destination ?
  Other Imp Question
Q.1. Programe to Modify a constant variable ?
 Q.2. Size of Structure without using size of operator ?
 Q.3. Enter Binary number and calculate decimal ?
 Q.4. C programe that display the recommended actions depending on the color of a traffic light using stitch statement ?
 Q.5. Draw a flow chat to print the factorial f number from 1 to 10 where is enterd by uses ?
 Q.6. Write a programe to datemine the sum of the following series ; 5=1-3+5+7…n ?
 Q.7. Write a programe find power of number using function ?
 Q.8. Explain Compiler , Linker , Loader ?
Q.9. Programe to find Average of every third variable number from 1 to 10 ?
 Q.10. Explain Global variable , Local variable , Ragister variable?
Q.11. Input array 1234, Output: 2143 ?
Q.12. Write a programe to list of keywords which most be stored in increading order in the Table ?

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Sujeet kumar